終了【NIHONBASHI SPACE WEEK 2024】Making space our home: technological challenges in Japan and France for a sustainable life in space(日本語同時通訳)

Making space our home: technological challenges in Japan and France for a sustainable life in space
【日時】2024年 11月 22日(金) 9:00~17:40 (開場8:30)
【場所】室町三井ホール&カンファレンス(コレド室町テラス 3F)
【参加費】無料 ※事前登録が必要になります



- 有人宇宙探査の展望
- 将来の宇宙活動に関する技術的課題とイノベーション
- フランスの宇宙ビジネスの最前線と宇宙ビジネスのエコシステム
- 宇宙活動分野における機関関係者と産業関係者のパートナーシップ
参加登録締め切りは 11月 21日(木)13:00まで
9:00-9:20: Opening remarks

Mr. Jérémie FORRAT-JAIME, Minister Counselor, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of France [click for details]

Dr. YAMAKAWA Hiroshi, President, JAXA [click for details]

Mr. Jean-Marc ASTORG, Director of Strategy, CNES [click for details]

Pr. Didier MARTY-DESSUS, Counselor for Science and Technology, Embassy of France [click for details]
9:20-9:30 – Life in space – testimonial from an astronaut

Astronaut HOSHIDE Akihiko, JAXA [click for details]
9:30-9:50: Keynote – French strategy for exploration

Mr. Jean-Marc ASTORG, Director of Strategy, CNES [click for details]
9:50-10:10: Keynote – French-Japanese cooperation in robotic exploration: what benefits for manned exploration of the Solar System?

Dr. KUNINAKA Hitoshi, Director General of ISAS, JAXA [click for details]
10:10-10:30: コーヒーブレイク
10:30-11:50: MODULE 01: CREW QUARTERS – What habitat and life support systems for astronauts?

Pr. TACHI Tomohiro, University of Tokyo [click for details]

Mr. Grégory NAVARRO, CNES [click for details]

Pr. Antoine LE DUIGOU, Bretagne Sud University [click for details]

Pr. ONO Takuya, Deputy Senior Manager, the Innovation & Incubation Office, Kajima Corporation [click for details]
11:50-12:10: MODULE 02: MESS HALL – Challenges and solutions for growing and preparing food in space

Dr. NAKAMURA Eizo, Okayama University [click for details]
12:10-12:30: Keynote – French-Japanese cooperation on environment and space components

Ms. Florence MALOU, Components Expert, CNES [click for details]
12:30-13:40: Lunch break
13:40-14:30: MODULE 03: VEHICLE BAY – What mobility and assistance tools for astronauts? – round-table discussion

Dr. Alexis PAILLET, Head of the Spaceship FR Project, CNES [click for details]

Mr. TSUTSUI Fumiya, JAXA [click for details]

Mr. NAKAJIMA Shinichiro, CEO and CTO, Dymon [click for details]

Ms. Juliette KAYSAN, European Space Agency [click for details]

Moderator: Mr. SATO Masashi, Director and COO, SPACETIDE Foundation [click for details]
14:30-14:55:MODULE 04: AIRLOCK – Protecting astronauts from a hostile radiative environment

Dr. Julien MEKKI, CNES [click for details]
14:55-15:15: コーヒーブレイク
15:15-16:30:MODULE 05: MEDICAL BAY – Staying healthy in space – keynotes

Astronaut HOSHIDE Akihiko, JAXA [click for details]

Dr. Laure BOYER, MEDES [click for details]

Pr. Cédric DELATTRE, Clermont Auvergne INP [click for details]
16:30-17:30: MODULE 06: LABORATORY – The role of the industry in sustaining life in space – round-table discussion

Mr. Sébastien BARDE, Associate Director for Exploration and Human Spaceflight, CNES [click for details]

Mrs. DATEKI Kyoko, JAXA [click for details]

Pr. Antoine LE DUIGOU, Bretagne Sud University [click for details]

Mr. HAKAMADA Takeshi, Founder & CEO, ispace [click for details]

Dr. WAKATA Koichi, Astronaut and CTO, Asia-Pacific Region, Axiom Space [click for details]

Pr. Cédric DELATTRE, Clermont Auvergne University [click for details]

Mr. YONAZU Masafumi, cross U

Moderator: Mr. Andy MASCIOLA, Asia Representative, NASA [click for details]
17:30-17:40: Concluding remarks

Mr. KAZEKI Jun, Director General, National Space Policy Secretariat, Cabinet Office [click for details]
参加登録締め切りは 11月 21日(木)13:00まで
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