Clermont Auvergne INP
Doctor Cédric DELATTRE is a Professor in Biochemistry and Biotechnologies at Institut Pascal UMR CNRS 6602, GePEB Axis (University Clermont-Auvergne INP, Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE) since 2012. He built his long experience in biochemistry and biotechnologies both in international academic institution (Picardie Jules Verne University, France; Vellore Institute of Technology, India) and industrial Setting (Greentech
Company, France). His expertise areas include chemical and synthetic biology and biochemistry, phytochemistry and agrochemistry, polysaccharides and oligosaccharides biochemistry, enzymology technologies including the development of immobilized enzyme for industrial reactor, functional material and biomaterial including design and development of polysaccharides and biological activities evaluation, biorefinery (for algae, plant and microorganism,…), green chemistry, agro-composite, food packaging and
3D-bioprinting for tissue engineering topic.
Cédric Delattre is author or co-author of 215 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 15 book chapters, 15 international patents, more than 100 oral presentations and posters in symposia and international conferences, h-index 43, i10 Index 125.
Awards: Top 10 most prominent researchers in Auvergne region (Expansion 2010 award); Try it award 2018; GFG award 2018; Céréales Vallée award 2018; Junior member at Institut Universitaire de France (IUF 2019-2024) for his innovative works on bioinspired material.
Main competences: Agro-industry – Agro-materials – Biocatalysis – Biochemistry of polysaccharides – Biomaterials – Biopolymers – Biorefinery (plant, micro-macroalgae) – Biotechnologies – Enzymology – Food Packaging – Glycoconjugates – Glycoscience – Green chemistry – 3D-bioprinting.
Key-words: Biological activities; Bio-inspiration; Material; 3D-Bioprinting; Oligosaccharides;
Website: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1x2agBMAAAAJ&hl=f