Profile of Speakers / Pr. Antoine LE DUIGOU

Pr. Antoine LE DUIGOU

Bretagne Sud University

Antoine Le Duigou, Professor at the Sciences & Engineering Sciences Faculty of Université Bretagne Sud, is also a member of the Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (IRDL) laboratory. He has recently been appointed Junior Member 2024 of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) for the Innovation Chair. Antoine is particularly renowned for his work on biomimicry and 4D printing dedicated to the development of environmental-friendly composite materials. Inspired by nature, the materials he is developing can adapt to their environment without needing external energy to produce autonomous movements. His multidisciplinary approach goes beyond traditional research approaches by combining biology, physics, materials, mechanics and technologies for applications in frugal engineering (marine, space, energy, defence, etc.).