Both Japan and Germany have many Companies, Universities and Research Institutes working on Space Applications. Fraunhofer, as the largest organization for applied research in Europe, has many Institutes in the field of applied space research. The goal of the workshop is to give an overview of competences and find complementarities between Fraunhofer and Japanese space actors in order to establish research collaborations between the two countries.
[Date & Time] Tue, October 29th, 2024 12:30-17:30(JST) Door open at 12:00pm(JTS)
[Format] On-site Only
[Registration fee] Free *Registration is required in advance for participation.
[Qualification] cross U members only
[Language] English
Organizer: Fraunhofer IPT
(Official Website)

Co-Organizer: cross U

Recommended for
Those interested in
– learning about the technical challenges and latest advancements in space applications.
– the development of sustainable technologies and materials.
– the AI chips and radiation effects in space environments.
– understanding the benefits of digitalization in the design and manufacturing of small satellites and efficient processes.
– the opportunities for Japan-Germany collaboration in space technology.
The registration deadline is 10:00(JST) on the day of the event
12:00 Door open
12:30 Introduction to the Agenda and the Goals of the Workshop Introduction to Fraunhofer
12:45 Introduction to Fraunhofer AVIATION & SPACE [click for details]
13:15 [Online] Topic 1: AI Chips for Space Applications [click for details]
14:00 Break
14:15 [Online] Topic 2: Technology Forecasting for Space Technologies [click for details]
15:00 [Online] Topic 3: Digitilization of SmallSat production and testing procedures [click for details]
15:45 Open Discussion
16:15 Next Steps and Closing Remarks
16:30 Get together
17:30 End of Workshop
The registration deadline is 10:00(JST) on the day of the event
cross U event Secretariat : crossu_event@and-go.tokyo