終了X-NIHONBASHI Global Hub’21
B2B Forum for space innovation Kickoff Session
「The Future of U.S.-Japan Collaboration in the Space Business Industry」

In 2021, JAXA and X-Nihonbashi will implement “X-NIHONBASHI Global Hub’21” which is a business matching program between Japan and the U.S. aiming to promote collaboration between Japanese and U.S. companies in the space domain, as well as entry from non-space domains. JAXA and X-Nihonbashi will be doing so in cooperation with NASA Ames Research Center.
For this program, we are planning a series of events throughout the year.
The first event, which will be the kick-off event, will have “The Future of US-Japan Collaboration in the Space Business Industry” as it’s main theme.
There will be an input session by a Japanese global analyst on the current status of the U.S. and Japanese markets regarding the space business and the importance of global partnerships.
In addition, a panel discussion will be held with NASA, JAXA, and Japanese and U.S. space related companies who all have extensive international experience to discuss the successes and challenges of U.S.-Japan partnerships on the topic of overseas business development, including some points that they learned in the process of concluding deals.
2021年、JAXA、X-NIHONBASHIは、NASA Ames Research Centerと協力し、日本企業と米国企業との宇宙領域における連携や、非宇宙領域からの参入を促進することを目的とした日米間のビジネスマッチングプログラム「X-NIHONBASHI Global Hub’21」を実施します。
March 4th, 2021 in the U.S.
(March 5th, 2021 in Japan)
4:00pm-6:00pm PST
(9:00am-11:00am JST)
Venue : Online (YouTube)
Price: FREE
*Language: English (Japanese simultaneous interpretation available)
Program Agenda:
Navigator: Mr. Motohide Shiga | Head of Industrial Relations/Adviser to the Director, JAXA Business Development and Industrial Relations Department
(1) Introduction
Opening Remarks
Dr. Eugene Tu | Center Director, NASA Ames
Ms. Kyoko Dateki | Director, JAXA Business Development and Industrial Relations Department
Mr. Takashi Watanabe | Project leader, Mitsui Fudosan Nihonbashi Urban Planning and Development Department
(2) Input Session
「Current Status and Analysis of Space Business, Importance of Global Partnerships」
Mr. Shogo Yakame | Consultant, Nomura Research Institute
(3) Panel Discussion
「Presentation and panel discussion on issues and expectations for U.S.-Japan collaboration」
< Panelist>
Moderator: Mr. Masashi Sato | Co-Founder, COO & Director, SPACETIDE Foundation
Mr. Terry Pagaduan | Business Development Lead, NASA Ames
Mr. Shinichi Takata | J-SPARC Producer, JAXA Business Development and Industrial Relations Department
Mr. Michael Fletcher | President, MJF Consulting
Mr. Masa Nagasaki | Co-Founder & CEO, Space BD Inc.
Mr. Mike Kim|Head of APAC & General Manager Japan, Orbital Insight
(4) Closing Session
Mr. Motohide Shiga | Head of Industrial Relations/Adviser to the Director, JAXA Business Development and Industrial Relations Department

Mr. Motohide Shiga | Head of Industrial Relations / Adviser to the Director Business Development and Industrial Relations Dept.
| Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
SHIGA Motohide, Head of Industrial Relations, Business Development and Industrial Relations Department at JAXA, has 20 years’ experience in JAXA, which have been international relations promotion, aviation research support, external relations for Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2) project, as well as governmental relations.
After temporary assignment in Mitsubishi Corporation, in charge of business development of remote sensing service using drone (Skymatix corporation), he was back to JAXA (Business Development and Industrial Relations Dept.) in 2017, and appointed as Head of Industrial Relations in August 2020.

Dr. Jay Bookbinder | Associate Center Director, NASA Ames
Dr. Jay Bookbinder is the (acting) Associate Center Director for Research and Technology at NASA Ames. He joined Ames in 2015 as the Director of Projects and Programs. In that role, he was responsible for major spaceflight projects such as Kepler, SOFIA, and over 40 other active projects. In March 2020, he was tapped to lead Ames’ Science Directorate, which consists of over 300 scientists, engineers, and staff performing cutting edge research in diverse fields from biology to earth science to astrophysics. Dr. Bookbinder received his B.S. degree (cum laude) from Princeton and his M.S. and Doctorate degrees in Astrophysics from Harvard. He has over 75 peer reviewed publications in the literature, over 200 other publications, and was the editor for two books: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (7th workshop and 10th Workshop). His research interests include High resolution solar X-ray imaging; high resolution stellar X-ray spectroscopy; non-thermal heating of stellar coronae, science communication. Dr. Bookbinder has managed space missions in cooperation with JAXA in the areas of x-ray astronomy and solar physics, such as Hinode/XRT.

Ms. Kyoko Dateki | Director, Business Development and Industrial Relations Department | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kyoko DATEKI joined Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA, former NASDA) in 1997 and is currently Head of the Business Development and Industrial Relations Department, responsible for promoting new businesses to expand the industrial capabilities including reach-out and collaboration with new, non-aerospace players. She joined satellite development projects and International Space Station Program with her legal expertise on contracting and business standards as well as procurement management for JAXA’s aerospace R&D projects.

Mr. Takashi Watanabe | Project leader, Nihonbashi Urban Planning and Development Department | Mitsui Fudosan
After graduating from Waseda University with a degree in Political Science and Economics, Mr.Watanabe started working for Toyota Motor Corporation.
He was assigned to a department related to global procurement, and was in charge of production start-up for powertrains with an annual production of over one million units as well as project management for both Japan and the US.
After returning to Japan, he engaged in negotiations with major resource companies as the person in charge for purchasing metallic resources. In 2020, he joined Mitsui Fudosan and is currently in charge of the “X-NIHONBASHI” project, which aims to contribute to expanding business in the space-related field through urban development.

Mr. Shogo Yakame | Consultant | Nomura Research Institute
Shogo Yakame is a consultant of Nomura Research Institute (NRI), a consulting firm based in Tokyo. Shogo has a M.S. from the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo (2013). During his Master’s Degree, he studied planetary science and conducted research on solar system material like asteroids and meteorites at Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), JAXA. He is in charge of consulting and research for new business development and policy making in space industry with Japanese private sector companies and government. He is also a pro bono member of SPACETIDE, which is Japanese first business conference for the rise of private space industry. SPACETIDE plays a role to be an industry-wide platform for accelerating new space.

Mr. Masashi Sato | Co-founder, Director and COO | SPACETIDE Foundation
As Co-founder, Director and COO of SPACETIDE Foundation, Masashi Sato works on promotion and fostering new space industry through its national first private-led space business conference and different activities. Masashi is also active as Global Affairs and Business Development Director of ispace, Inc. from 2019. He has previously worked for Nomura Research Institute as a strategic business consultant from 2003 to 2019. He has a B.S. from the University of Tokyo (2001), a M.S. from the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo (2003), and a Master of Public Policy from the University of California, Los Angeles (2013). He is a “QZSS Evangelist” of the Cabinet Office of Japan, a committee member of the “Committee of Future Space Utilization” by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, and a committee member of the “Committee of Next-gen Geosynchronous Meteorological Satellite” by the Japan Meteorological Agency

Mr. Terry Pagaduan | Business Development Lead | NASA Ames
Terry Pagaduan has worked in partnerships and business development at NASA for over a decade. Terry is experienced in engaging international and domestic partners for NASA Ames. He has been successful in helping bring innovative public-private partnerships to reality. For the past several years, he has been active in coordinating NASA Ames’ relationship with JAXA. Terry has a Bachelor’s degree in economics from Brown University in Providence, R.I. In college, Terry spent a year studying at Keio University in Tokyo. He enjoys living in the countryside in Northern California with his family and pets.

Mr. Shinichi Takata | J-SPARC Producer, Business Development and Industrial Relations Department | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Shinichi Takata was engaged in rocket engine development, H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) system / propulsion system development and operation, and international coordination of the ISS program in Houston, USA. After returning to Japan, he launched the J-SPARC program and is promoting multiple value co-creation activities aimed at improving JAXA’s R & D capabilities and creating new private businesses, mainly in the fields of space transportation and manned space. He is also a Co-Founder and Director of Space Port Japan Association.

Mr. Michael Fletcher | President | MJF Consulting
Michael Fletcher is President of MJF Consulting which offers management consulting services for U.S. and Japanese companies in the commercial space sector. Mr. Fletcher spent over 30 years at NASA Ames Research Center and retired in October 2020 as the Technical Advisor to Partnerships after holding positions as a researcher, project manager, systems engineer and chief engineer. In his role as Technical Advisor to Partnerships, Mr. Fletcher established and promoted the NASA Ames-JAXA relationship and fostered B2B exchanges and events. Mr. Fletcher is a former Mansfield Fellow and spent a year in Tokyo from 2016-2017, working at MEXT, CAO, MOD and JAXA on topics of space and aeronautics policy.

Mr. Masa Nagasaki | Co-Founder & CEO | Space BD Inc.
Masa Nagasaki co-founded Space BD Inc. in September 2017 and has served as CEO.As an expert in business development, he has worked in diverse industries, including mining, steel, and education. His vision for Space BD is to achieve “industrialization of space.” Under his leadership, Space BD was awarded the JAXA’s first commercialization initiative: the small satellite deployment service from ISS Kibo, within less than a year since its foundation.
Before founding Space BD, he started his career at Mitsui & Co., Ltd in 2003 and founded Nagasaki & Co. in 2014.

Mr. Mike Kim|Head of APAC & General Manager Japan | Orbital Insight
As Head of APAC & General Manager Japan, Mike has the dual role of leading the APAC business and the growing Japan office and team. He oversees sales, business development, partner management, and client delivery for the JAPAC region. Previously, Mike was a founding enterprise sales team member at Dialpad (Google Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz), a cloud-based unified communications technology company where he helped grow the US and international business. Prior to Dialpad, Mike joined Keith Ferrazzi (CMO of Deloitte and Starwood Hotels and author of “Never Eat Alone”) as a Managing Director at Ferrazzi Greenlight, and helped lead the management consulting firm providing professional services to Fortune 500 companies. Mike has roots at Deloitte Consulting where he was one of the leads for the Palantir relationship and oversaw Big Data projects using the analytics tool. At the firm, he founded a group applying technology and analytics to social issues such as anti-human trafficking and human rights. He’s passionate about applying technology to solve some of today’s global challenges and issues.